Sunday, January 22, 2012

Recipe: Thing One's Bacon Breakfast Sandwich

My elder child, who has both an abnormal affection for bacon and the metabolism of a hummingbird, has perfected a breakfast sandwich that puts KFC's Double Down to shame.  No, he does not eat this more than once a week.  Yes, his cholesterol is fine.

First, take a bagel ("The Works" variety, with garlic and onion and seeds on it, is preferred), cut it half...

...and toast it to perfection.

Place a slice of cheese on one side.  We're talking Kraft Singles here so the word "cheese" is debatable.  You want something that melts good.

Now fry up some bacon in a skillet, then set it aside to drain on paper towels.  Don't clean the skillet.

Next up is one egg...

...which is dropped into the still-sizzling bacon grease...

...topped with a little salt and pepper, and cooked to a perfect sunny-side-up.

Here's the secret:  use a spoon to drizzle hot bacon grease over the thick part of the egg white to cook the top of the white without overcooking the bottom or cooking the yolk.

Lord have mercy.

Now put it all together.

Place the assembled sandwich back in the skillet ... 

...and fry the whole sandwich, turning once, in the remaining bacon grease until the outside is crispy and the cheese is melty.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to go eat a stalk of celery as penance just for looking at this picture.

1 comment:

  1. I think T will be loving this post. Remind him to tell you about the Bacon Weave his friend from NC makes.
