Wednesday, December 1, 2010

But who's counting...?

There are only 1.2 million people in the entire state, and most of those reside in the greater Portland area.  The population here in the midcoast is relatively thin. 

Our schools, small though they are, work hard to focus on the arts, and the high school in our particular district consistently cranks out choral and instrumental ensembles that compete successfully at both state and regional levels. 

The middle school music program is crucial in developing this talent. 

Let’s face it, though:  regardless of the untapped potential represented by any given class of fifth graders, you take these students – some of whom do not know a quarter note from page 8 – hand them a bunch of instruments, rehearse for two months, and then give a concert, consider yourself lucky if they produce a recognizable melody.

Year over year, the beginning band’s annual fall rendition of Hot Cross Buns does not get any better.  But if you want proof that miracles do happen, take that performance and compare it to the stuff the 7th-8th grade symphonic band pulls off.   

Saint Patricia is the middle school band director.  She takes all the silliness and spit valves and squeaking reeds and just plain bad playing and in four short years, she turns it into something worth listening to.  Somehow she also maintains her sanity and her sense of humor. 

I have been to exactly seven middle school band concerts so far. 

I have exactly seven left to go.

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